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Who are we?

We are a group of consumer rights lawyers and ethical AI engineers, united by the mission to empower consumers as never before.

Our first step is to unlock the complexity of contracts and provide bespoke solutions for each consumer's unique circumstance.

Contracts are long, unreadable, boring—yet crucial. Businesses pay close attention to what they're signing, seeking legal advice from elite advisers, even for relatively small purchases. But consumers can't afford lawyers even for large financial commitments, like rent, travel or utilities. They have to rely on what they read online.

Yet there isn't anything online that really helps. There are advice websites that give mostly general tips and there are price comparison websites that give unpersonalised results and only compare on price, and ignore the important fine print that lies behind it.

There is nothing that gives people highly accurate, live, savvy, ultra-personalised advice on specific deals with the prowess of an actual legal team.

According to government studies, the biggest reason for consumer distrust in price comparison websites is that they don't know whether rankings are based on the consumer's interests, or the comparison site's.

When we first started, our legal teams scoured existing comparison sites and realised that the top-ranked deals usually gave price comparison websites higher commissions—and were often among the worst for consumers.

What's more, very little detail was actually given on each deal, and with almost no personalisation to the user's needs and preferences.

So even though most consumers rely on price comparison websites, these sites are plagued by their over-simplicity and built-in bias.

Countless watchdog reports and customer reviews share this view—but nothing changed because it didn't suit the existing big players to change. Besides, they seemed to spend most of their money on marketing rather than reinvesting in their tools to make them more useful and reliable for consumers. Those big players felt that if they all stayed the same, consumers would just have to suck it up.

We didn't feel that way. As lawyers determined to protect consumer rights, we couldn't believe how unfair, one-sided and business-focussed these crucial contracts were. There is an ugly irony to this. Consumers face the worst financial hardship in a generation even though the technology and expertise is more available than ever to equip consumers with powerful tools to protect themselves. But the cutting-edge technology available to consumers—like recent AI platforms—is not designed with consumers' interests in mind, and often has little to no use for everyday people making everyday decisions such as finding the best flight, insurance or energy deal for their family's specific situation. An AI bot that fakes your English homework or makes you look like an Aztec is all very nice: but let's face it, it doesn't provide a lawyer on your shoulder.

So, our consumer rights lawyers teamed up with ethical AI engineers to produce the first-ever AI trained on consumer rights, watchdog reports, legal cases, internet commentary and T&Cs, designed exclusively to level the contractual playing field, and to protect and promote the interests of consumers. The AI—always checked by lawyers before its results go public—emulates an expert human legal team to industry-beating accuracy. We are constantly fine-tuning and expanding our technology.

This site is our first deployment, a next-generation comparison website designed to blow existing comparison sites out of the water. And we won't stop there.

But we can't do this alone. There will be players out there that want us to disappear. We scrutinise contracts and expose inconvenient truths. We need a community of like-minded people pointing us in the right direction, reporting experiences they've had with providers, and telling us where we can do better.

We have some significant challenges, but the future is looking bright.

We will do our utmost to protect consumers in this time of hardship and equip them with powerful tools in this time of technological revolution."
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